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Member benefits


Members are awarded accredited postnominals, a digital member badge and professional designations at each membership level. Governance Institute postnominals boost your professional profile and provide national recognition of your governance and risk management skills.

Graduates from the Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance and Risk Management are also eligible to apply for membership with the Chartered Governance Institute (CGI) formally known as the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA).

Postnominals Professional designations
Affiliated member GIA(Affiliated) Governance and Risk Practitioner
Associate member AGIA Governance and Risk Professional
Associate & CGI member AGIA and ACG Chartered Secretary
Chartered Governance and Risk Professional
Fellow member FGIA Governance and Risk Professional
Fellow & CGI member FGIA & FCG Chartered Secretary
Chartered Governance and Risk Professional


Expand your professional community and connect with your peers at our networking events, and join our member-only LinkedIn group to benefit from a diverse range of views on governance and risk policy and best practice.

Enhance your professional development and keep up to date through attending our webinars, workshops, briefings and forums. You will takeaway key information and learnings from some of the best subject matter experts in Australia.

Members are also encouraged to become involved with Governance Institute through policy committees, events and the national AGM.


As an independent voice on governance and risk management, we are an active participant in the reform process. We engage with government on proposed legislative and regulatory reform and the bodies to which it refers inquiries, and also with the media, to ensure that our members’ views are widely disseminated.

Career and volunteer opportunities

Sign up to receive alerts when a new opportunity is posted or contact us to advertise a governance or risk management role with your company.


Unlock a wealth of information to ensure your skills are always at the forefront of excellence. Membership gives you access to:

Discounts and rewards

Receive and download your digital membership badge to share on social media, add to email signatures and job applications to verify governance competence and be instantly recognised as a Governance Institute member.

Enjoy discounts on all of our professional development events, Short courses and Certificates, Micro-credentials and Micro-credential Bundles and postgraduate education.

List your credentials on LinkedIn

If you’re applying for a new role, make sure you maximise your profile on LinkedIn. Watch our video to find out how to list your Governance Institute membership and education on LinkedIn.



“Governance Institute’s resources offer me new ways to embed effective risk management into the organisation.”

Francesca Dickson AGIA ACIS – Group Risk Manager, The BPAY Group