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Advance your membership

You can apply to advance your membership if you have met the criteria for the next tier of membership.

Affiliated to Associate or Fellow

Affiliated members can advance their membership to Associate or Fellow if they fulfil the following criteria:

  • you have completed a postgraduate qualification with governance institute; or
  • have an equivalent tertiary qualification such as business, law or accounting; and
  • have 6–10 years’ experience in governance and risk management.
  • You may be required to pay the difference in fees between Affiliated and Associate or Fellow membership before your advancement is completed.

To advance from Affiliated to Associate, you will need to fill out a new membership application form and provide an updated CV with your application.

Making notes

Associate to Fellow

Associates can advance to Fellow membership if they fulfil the following criteria:

  • 8 years’ experience in governance or risk management (available to Governance Institute postgraduate graduates)
  • 10 years’ experience in governance or risk management (professional entry pathway)

To advance your membership from Associate to Fellow, fill out the application form and email it to

There is no additional cost to advance from Associate to Fellow.

Chartered Governance Membership

On completion of our Graduate Diploma, if you’re a Governance Institute member, you can also apply for membership with the Chartered Governance Institute, our international partner (formerly known as ICSA).

Associate or Fellow membership with the Chartered Governance Institute provides you with the Chartered Secretary or Chartered Governance Professional designation.

There is no additional fee for CGI membership.


“Membership has been very rewarding, helping me to grow as a governance and risk professional.”

Kerry McGoldrick FGIA FCIS – Partner, ShineWing Australia