Risk Management Survey 2020
View the 2020 Risk Management Survey results — a nationwide survey of almost 400 governance and risk professionals and senior executives. This year’s survey results come during a year like no other with the bushfire crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic placing ‘risk’ under the spotlight like never before.
Offering valuable insights into the risk landscape, the survey has revealed that almost 40 per cent of businesses are not regularly testing their risk and crisis plans — leaving them exposed and under-prepared for major crisis.
The survey, sponsored by PKF, also shows that 60 per cent of respondents consider damage to brand or reputation to be among the top five risks over the next three years, with 59 per cent concerned by the impact of policy change and regulatory intervention.
Read the findings
Read the complete findings from the Governance Institute of Australia Risk Management Survey 2020.
Download the full Risk Management Survey Report
“With new risk challenges being thrown into the mix almost constantly, it has been a difficult year for so many. However, we hope the insights into the risk landscape contained in this report will assist organisations as they traverse the post-pandemic path ahead.” — Megan Motto FGIA, CEO, Governance Institute of Australia
National Gold research partner
Governance Institute would like to thank PKF for sponsoring this survey. PKF are the National Gold Research Partner of the Governance and Risk Management Forum 2020. Findings from the survey at the Forum as part of a panel discussion.
“At the heart of risk management as a discipline is the ability and capacity to manage change, and from that uncertainty. A helpful starting point in re-pivoting risk functions across the country whether they be large or small can come from studying the themes and the lessons from the Governance Institute’s Risk Management Survey 2020.” — Kenneth Weldin FGIA, Partner & National Lead for Governance & Internal Audit, PKF