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New Governance Academy to expand educational pathways for governance and risk management proficiency

Amid a spate of recent high-profile corporate governance failures, Governance Institute of Australia is proud to announce the launch of its Governance Academy, an educational and research hub for governance and risk management professionals.

As the only Australian provider of Chartered Governance accreditation, Governance Institute has a long history of delivering postgraduate education and short courses to further the knowledge of a fast-growing cohort of professionals being tasked with governance and risk roles.

The new Governance Academy will build on these strong foundations in delivering new educational pathways with a focus on proficiency at all levels from school leavers to experts.

Governance Institute of Australia CEO Megan Motto said governance professionals are forging careers in an ever-changing landscape.

“Governance is not just restricted to a limited range of jobs or occupations like company secretaries, general counsel or directors,” Ms Motto said.

“Many employers can’t find workers with the capabilities required for more expanded organisational roles. We need to keep pace with demand for talent in governance and related areas of professional practice.”

Respondents to an independent survey conducted on behalf of the Governance Institute highlighted shifts towards outsourcing governance and risk management roles to independent advisors, reflecting the importance of unbiased guidance in decision-making.

They also pointed to the need to adapt to changing business environments and staying up to date with evolving technological and legislative change.

Ms Motto said the Governance Academy will move towards an evidence based, micro-credentialed framework, supporting individuals and companies to understand their workforce needs.

“We have seen the many governance failures in leading companies and organisations over the past year,” Ms Motto said.

“Organisations might determine that in order to protect against these kind of governance failures, they need their workforce to be educated to an appropriate level.”

“Our new Governance Academy will assist employers’ in auditing the governance capabilities of their existing staff, prioritise development at all levels of work, predict and design future-facing governance roles, and forge improved talent attraction, retention, reskilling, and recognition of governance professionals.”

In its continuing commitment to supporting governance excellence through world-class education and training, the Governance Academy will create opportunities for growth through a new Masters degree and partnering with leading academics to contribute the governance research agenda.

“As a tertiary institution, we’d like to take a more proactive approach in generating new knowledge and research,” Ms Motto said.

For more information about the Governance Academy, head to our website.

For interview requests and further information, please contact Antonette Collins, Senior Manager, Media and Communications on 0477 949 604 or email

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