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Fundraising reform a welcome step to free charities from red tape

Governance Institute of Australia has welcomed an agreement between Commonwealth, state and territory Treasurers to harmonise fundraising regulations and fix uncertainty in the not-for-profit sector.

The new National Fundraising Principles will aim to modernise and streamline compliance measures across the different jurisdictions, removing inconsistencies and red tape.

Governance Institute CEO Megan Motto said charities have faced significant hardships in trying to raise funds online, especially since the start of the pandemic.

‘The complexity of trying to navigate multiple state and territory regulations has led to an overwhelming administrative burden in the not-for-profit sector, with many involved in the work of fundraising time-poor volunteers.’

Ms Motto said having clear guidance around appropriate conduct and ethical behaviour will build confidence among charities and donors, providing greater flexibility and a better use of resources.

‘We look forward to working together with governments and key stakeholders to ensure the National Fundraising Principles are implemented as soon as possible to avoid any further waste of time and money,’ Ms Motto said.

Governance Institute has supported leading stakeholders in the #FixFundraising coalition including Justice Connect, Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) and Philanthropy Australia in pushing for change, with around 25% of institute members from the not-for-profit sector.

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