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CEO Memo: Strategy 2020-2025

  • Update on strategy process.
  • Provide your feedback.
  • Comments due by Monday 14 October.

Over the course of 2019, you may have noticed an increase in correspondence from us seeking your views on various topics, as part of the development process for the Governance Institute of Australia 2020-2025 Strategy.

As we approach the end of 2019, it’s timely that I provide you with an update on the strategy.

You may recall that we embarked upon this process in April, when the State Councils, committee members and staff were asked for their input to develop the strategy. We also sought out your views – particularly around what your needs are as members, and whether we are meeting those needs as an organisation.

After gathering this feedback, our Board and management met in July, where they drew upon this feedback to develop our proposed strategy.

The resulting Strategy is a brief, high-level document that contains the proposed vision, purpose, values and goals for our organisation over the coming years, as informed by the comments of our membership.

Given the importance of the Strategy in our forward planning, I thought it important to provide you as members with as much opportunity for feedback as possible. Accordingly, I have attached the strategy for your suggestions on any final amendments.


I am also mindful of the encroaching time and our responsibility as management to enact the strategy in a timely fashion. Therefore I’d request that members submit their final feedback no later than Monday 14 October. Please send your feedback via email to with my name marked in the subject line.

As management, we are seeking high-level strategic feedback — particularly any fatal flaws or gaping holes in the strategy. Do you feel there is anything there that should be removed or omitted? While I will certainly review all input, given the time constraints on planning, I anticipate that any changes provided will be substantive in nature.

I can also advise that the proposed strategy is concurrently under consideration by our State Councils and other Committees, who are providing their final input.

Once final feedback has been incorporated into the strategy, it will be reviewed and approved by the Board in November. Once finalised, the strategy will then be used by the management team to develop our operational plans, before proceeding to implementation for 2020.

I wish to thank all of our members who have taken the time and effort to contribute to this process. Your ongoing input ensures that we can push forward with a fit-for-purpose, member-focused strategy, that continues to advocate for your needs and interests as members.

Material published in Governance Directions is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission.

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