Governance Institute and Chief Executive Women scholarship, winners announced
Executive Director at Newland Global Group Natasha Jha Bhaskar and Paralympics Australia Chief Executive Officer Catherine Clark are the winners of the first scholarship collaboration between Governance Institute and Chief Executive Women’s (CEW).
Ms Bhaskar is the Executive Director at Newland Global Group, a leading corporate advisory firm with a focus on Australia-India trade and investment relations.
Named one of Australia’s ‘Young Women to Watch in International Affairs 2022’, Ms Bhaskar spent over 10 years working at the Indian Parliament in policy, advocacy and communications.
The scholarship will allow Ms Bhaskar to complete Governance Institute’s Effective Directors Course (EDC) and assist her in pursuing board positions.
“We need more women and Asia capabilities on our boards today. The scholarship brings a deep sense of responsibility, to influence culture and behaviours that create equal opportunities, and overcome barriers to gender equality.”
‘Creating a sincere fraternity of diversity champions can guide several others to grow, succeed and lead, assisting them in finding their voice and agency,’ Ms Bhaskar said.
Paralympics Australia Chief Executive Officer Catherine Clark, who is also an athlete, coach and public servant, is a passionate believer in the power of sport to unite, strengthen, inspire and catalyse change.
With Brisbane set to host the 2032 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, Ms Clark said the scholarship will give her the opportunity to sharpen her skills to effectively influence and advocate as she contributes to the planning of those events.
‘Paralympic sport has the power to change and shape perceptions for people with a disability, so this is about participation, employment, health and accessibility, sport and so much more,’ Ms Clark said.
‘My motto is ’lift as you climb’ and that’s what CEW is doing for me.’
Chief Executive Women Scholarships Committee Chair Deidre Willmott said there was a high demand for scholarships from executive women aspiring to board roles.
‘We received a strong response to these scholarships when we first offered them last year and were able to select two amazing women leaders who will now be able to make an even stronger contribution to the organisations they lead,’ Ms Willmott said.
Governance Institute CEO Megan Motto said she was looking forward to the recipients studying with the Institute, with their passion for governance training part of an emerging trend – one that the institute has nurtured.
‘I’m thrilled Ms Bhaskar and Ms Clark will be studying with Governance Institute this year. We’ve certainly seen a surge of enrolments from female leaders interested in learning about governance and risk management.’
Ms Motto said the Institute has developed a women’s exclusive version of our popular Effective Director Course (EDC), which offers time-poor working women the flexibility to study online and part time.
‘The course offers every aspect of the EDC curriculum while also addressing key attributes that are unique to women’s experience in, and of, leadership. The course looks at some of the systemic and cultural challenges, and the strategies to address them.’
To learn more about the courses visit, The Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance and Risk Management and Effective Directors Course – Women’s Exclusive (virtual, part time).
For information about the 2023 scholarships program, visit the CEW website.