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We are offering four options for sale during our introductory sale. Register below or call our friendly team on 1800 251 849 or email

Short courses , Certificates, Micro-credentials & Bundles 2025

Receive 10% off

Choose the  course which is right for you.
Use the below codes at checkout for 10% off.


Micro-credentials INTRO25MC
Micro-credential bundles INTRO25MCB
Short courses INTRO25SC
Certificates INTRO25C

Terms and Conditions

  1. 1. Sales pricing is for registrations and payments made between 1 January – 31 January 2025 only.
  2. 2. You will have 30 days from date of payment to complete the individual online short courses — no extensions will be provided.
  3. 3. With face-to-face or virtual short courses, you will gain access to our Learning Management System 10 days prior to the start of your course. From that date, you will have 30 days to complete and access your learning materials. No extensions will be provided.
  4. 4. You will have 120 days from date of payment to complete the online Certificate — no extensions will be provided.
  5. 5. With face-to-face or virtual certificates, you will gain access to our Learning Management System 10 days prior to the start of your course. From that date, you will have 120 Days to complete and access your learning materials. No extensions will be provided.
  6. 6. Face-to-face and Virtual Certificates are non-transferable, if you transfer to a course not included in the sale, you will incur a $400 course fee.
  7. 7. Micro-credentials are non-transferable, if you transfer to a course not included in the sale, you will incur a $400 course fee.
  8. 8. Micro-credential bundles are non-transferable, if you transfer to a course not included in the sale, you will incur a $400 course fee.


For more information, see our Short Courses & Certificate Policy.