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Virtual Sustainability Forum 2024

26 November 2024 8:30am - 5:00pm
National Virtual Event
Member $250
Non-Member $300
Subscriber $250

Sustainability is central to organisational vision, strategy and decision-making. The regulatory expectations for ESG standards, reporting and disclosure continue to evolve and national and international standards are now imminent. 

Join us for the Sustainability Forum as leaders from across sectors and industries share their expertise and experience on their ESG journey and the advantages for embedding best practice.

Our panel of speakers will examine the strategies and frameworks for ESG and how effective communication, public disclosure and reporting have become critical and offer a competitive edge. How can you create and canvas effective partnerships, resources and internal and external stakeholders, to develop the knowledge base? How do you gather intelligence and meaningful data to deliver sound sustainability strategy and disclose accurate reports.

Our panel of speakers will unpack:

  • Framing a broad overview of ESG, its definition and practical applications in different contexts
  • How to overcome inertia and be an effective communicator of ESG principles, targets and ambitions to internal and external stakeholders
  • Taking stock of the regulatory landscape, a brief overview of domestic and international developments.
  • An essential update on climate-related financial disclosures 
  • The task and accountabilities for boards
  • How SMEs and NFPs can plan and respond to mandatory reporting and disclosure requirements.
  • The state of climate litigation and the role of regulators
  • Leveraging AI to achieve sustainability goals 
  • Environmental stewardship: the business case for measuring and reporting on nature impact
  • Implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • An essential update on modern slavery
  • Navigating the S in ESG

Speakers Highlights 

John Lydon, Co-chair, Australian Climate Leaders Coalition 

John Lydon is Co-Chair of Australian Climate Leaders’ Coalition, a member of the NSW Net Zero and Clean Economy Board, Chair of Generation Australia, and serves as an Industry Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney Business School. Previously he was the Managing Partner of McKinsey Australia & New Zealand, holding several roles across the global Firm. John also served as Economic Commissioner of Greater Cities Commission from 2021-2023.

John’s purpose is to help business and public organisations create sustainable, inclusive value for all their stakeholders: including shareholders, citizens, society and the environment. He most enjoys working closely with CEOs, Boards and civic leaders to help them develop and grow - realising their personal potential and that of the organisations they lead.

Susan Mizrahi, Independent Director, UN Global Compact Network Australia and Honorary Fellow (industry), Melbourne Climate Futures, University of Melbourne

Susan Mizrahi is a senior sustainability strategist with over 25 years’ global experience working on international, business sustainability and human rights issues. She was one of Australia’s first Chief Sustainability Officers.

An Honorary Fellow at Melbourne Climate Futures (University of Melbourne) and Non-Executive Director at UN Global Compact Network Australia, Susan is committed to driving transformational social and environmental change. Formerly Chief Sustainability Officer at one of Australia’s most trusted and oldest brands, Australia Post (2015-23), her experience spans the private, government, academic and not-for-profit sectors.

Susan spent her earlier career working on human rights issues across Asia. She led advocacy campaigns for World Vision Australia that focused on human trafficking and child labour (‘modern slavery’), foreign aid, and child and maternal health. She has also worked in the United States and Europe, where she led global campaigns on economic development, political and religious freedom relating to the China-Tibet issue.

Tim Nelson, Executive General Manager – Energy Markets, Iberdrola

Tim joined Iberdrola Australia in March 2020 as Executive General Manager, Energy Markets.

During 2019, Tim was the Executive General Manager, Strategy and Economic Analysis, at the Australian Energy Market Commission where he established its thought leadership and quantitative analysis capabilities. Up until November 2018, Tim was the Chief Economist of AGL Energy and led the company's public policy advocacy and its sustainability strategy including AGL's revised Greenhouse Gas Policy, climate risk disclosure and the Powering Australian Renewables Fund (PARF) concept.

Tim is a member of the Westpac Stakeholder Advisory Council and is on the Research Committee for the Centre for Policy Development.

Tim is an Associate Professor at Griffith University and is widely published in Australian and international peer-reviewed journals. He holds a PhD in economics for which he earned a Chancellors Doctoral Research Medal and a first-class honours degree in economics. Tim is a fellow of the Governance Institute (FGIA and FCIS) and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).

Illona Miller, Partner, Gilbert and Tobin 

Ilona has over 20 years in climate law and finance, focussing on the development of law and policy and its implementation by both governments and the private sector.

Her expertise spans complex multi-jurisdictional transactions and leading strategies to tackle climate change and sustainability challenges.

Karen McWilliams, Business Reform Leader, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

Who should attend?

  • Company Directors

  • Company Secretaries

  • C-Suite

  • General and Senior Managers

  • Governance and Risk Management Professionals


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