Discussion group: Company secretaries – WA
Please note this event is currently at capacity. To join our waitlist, please contact our events team - events@governanceinstitute.com.au
What is on your mind for 2024?
Come along for an open discussion with your Company Secretary peers. Walk away with some key insights and potential plan ideas that may support your organisation in 2024.
This is also an excellent opportunity to build your Company Secretary network.
Learning outcomes
Explore company secretarial practices across a variety of organisations and hear from some of Australia’s leading company secretaries.
Darryl Edwards FGIA FCIS, Lead Partner and Founder, Boardroom Governance
Darryl has extensive corporate governance, finance risk and compliance experience having held senior executive roles in company secretarial, legal, risk and finance. Over his 25-year career he has worked for several ASX listed top 100 and 200 companies, large unlisted organisations, and start-ups. He has also held senior corporate advisory roles, advising on mergers and acquisitions and capital raisings.
Darryl’s skills and attributes include:
- Experience with growth businesses involved with operations throughout Australia, New Zealand, Asia, USA and Europe, with consolidated revenue in excess of $2 billion per annum, operating in the engineering, mining, media, technology and manufacturing sectors.
- Extensive knowledge of corporate governance, the Corporations Act, ASX listing rules, accounting standards, and the laws relating to business practice.
- Sound provision of advice on commercial and legal matters, including advice on corporate governance, OHS regulations, risk management, strategy, mergers and acquisitions, fundraising initiatives, and operational matters in dynamic businesses.
- Ability to develop continuous improvement in corporate governance, compliance and risk management practices, shareholder information, performance indicators, business and strategic plans and company policies and procedures.
Darryl is a fellow member to the Governance Institute of Australia and member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is also a former State Council Member and past President of the Governance Institute of Australia (WA Branch)
Who should attend?
We welcome anyone with company secretarial responsibilities from all sectors and industries, especially those in:
- financial services
- local and state government
- not-for-profit organisations and associations
- health and aged care organisations
- schools.